Saturday, December 26, 2009

A big Thanks to:

A Big Thanks to:
Our Sponsors:

  • NTU, School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

  • NTU, Alumni Affairs Office

  • NTU, Student Affairs Office

  • NTU, Corporate Communications Office

  • Social Development Unit

  • NTU Students' Union

  • Singapore Tourism Board

  • NTU, MAE Club

    1. Our Donors:

      1. NTU, School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Professors

      2. NTU, School of Mechancial and Aerospace Engineering Alumnus

      3. All NTU Hall of Residence Residents

      Support from:

      1. Wenxian Education Board

      2. Fr3b Singapore

      3. Assemble Happinest

      4. AIG Insurance

      5. Airasia Airlines

      6. Tigers Airways

      7. Nanyang Chronicles

      8. NTU Tribune

      9. Perpetual Motion


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